Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?


Do You Ship Internationally?


How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

2-10 Days


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

VISA and Mastercard

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Yes. We use secure socket layers and encryption to make sure your data is kept safe. If you feel like placing your order by telephone you can do this as well by calling us.

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

Online or call us and we can take your order by telephone.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Yes as long as the order has not shipped.

Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes and also you must agree to all terms and conditions of the site and comply with your local laws and regulations as required by the state or county you live in.

How Do I Track My Order?

We will send you a tracking number once the order has shipped.

How Can I Return a Product?

This depends on the product but all seed sales are final.
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